Thursday 10 May 2012

How To Get The Girl

You may think that in order to get the girl you have to drop everything for her but this is the worst thing you can do. It is vital that you don’t change your own hobbies and friendship circles going while you begin to see her. Obviously at the beginning of any relationship, or potential one, there are sacrifices that need to be made but the trick is to keep them limited. If, for instance, you have a traditional Sunday morning football game you play with your friends then don't let that go. Missing it once is fine but don’t be prepared to let that happen every week.

The reason for this is once you set a standard where you will automatically be willing to drop your plans/friends/hobbies whenever the girl you like tells you, the entire dynamic of your relationship is wrong. This is can end up damaging every aspect of your life for the following 5 reasons:

1. For a start you will begin to resent her when seeing her means you miss out on doing the things or seeing the people that have been such a big part of your life for so many years. It may seem fine to begin with but down the line when you have problems to overcome this will make small issues seem much bigger.

2. She will take you for granted. If you being where she wants when she wants is assumed, she will not appreciate the sacrifices you are making for her and while you are giving up lots for her she will not realize it.

3. You will no longer be desirable if she thinks she can have you there whenever she wants. The ‘thrill of the chase’ may be exaggerated to some extent but if you are always there at her beck and call there will be no reason for her to make an effort with you and the spark will go.

4. Your friends will get annoyed. Everyone understands that at the beginning of a relationship you will see less of your friends but if you make a habit of cancelling plans with them then they will soon get tired of you, the girl you like and your budding relationship. This will make things difficult when it comes to introducing the girl you like to your friends as they will already resent her.

5. It may not last and if it doesn’t you will find yourself with no girlfriend and a set of friends who you abandoned as well as hobbies and past times that you have neglected which will mean you have a lot of work to do to get back to where you were with them.

If you remember this advice you will give yourself a much better chance of building a proper relationship with the girl you like. Remember, relationships are built on finding a balance and both making sacrifices. If you begin by changing everything in your life, while she changes nothing, then you will never get the girl to like you in the way you like her. To find out what you should do next go to How To Get The Girl for the best advice on how to get the girl you like, to like you.

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