Thursday 10 May 2012

Striking Up the Best Conversations on a First Date

We’ve all been there. You’re on a first date and there are so many things you can talk about, yet somehow you and your date end up focusing too much on your food and not enough on each other. You just can’t get past the awkwardness and start a real conversation.

We’ve got some cool questions to share with you. If you use these questions on your first date you can remove the awkwardness and just have some of the best conversations.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? After you get an answer, follow up. Ask why they would want that job. Is it for the money, the excitement, the perks?

If you had to choose between being able to speak all languages in the world fluently and mastering all instruments known to man, what would you choose? You can follow that up with a Why, and then move on to some others, like, How many languages do you speak? Do you play any instruments? What kind of music do you like?

What was your nickname in high school? This is great way of gauging their sense of humor. If they don’t want to share this with you, it could be because they’re not over it or it is a source of insecurity.

What is the weirdest thing about you that you’re all right with people knowing? Again, learn a little about their sense of humor. Don’t expect any deeply hidden secrets to come out on the first date, but see what kind of weird things the person is willing to tell you. Entertaining and educational.

What do you like most about your job? This can open up different windows. Once you’ve gotten started with the topic, just see where it takes you. There might be nothing to say, or you might spend two hours talking about your goals and ambitions.

If you find that these questions are working out, and you are really bonding with your date and you want to go a little deeper, you might start talking about relationships. Ask what they think is the biggest mistake you can make in a relationship or why their last relationship failed. Be sensitive, and don’t ask anything you wouldn’t be prepared to answer yourself.

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